January 13 — February 18
Other Desert Cities
By Jon Robin Baitz
A story about Brooke Wyeth who returns home to Palm Springs after a six-year absence to celebrate Christmas with her parents, her brother, and her aunt. Brooke announces that she is about to publish a memoir dredging up a pivotal and tragic event in the family’s history — a wound they don’t want reopened. In effect, she draws a line in the sand and dares them all to cross it. Finalist for the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

March 31 — May 6
Run for Your Wife
By Ray Cooney
This British farce thrilled audiences in its 1982 debut, enjoying a nine year run. The premise: A taxi driver gets away with having two wives in different areas of London because of his irregular working schedule. But after an accident that puts him in hospital, where his contradictory personal information is found, complications pile up rapidly as he tries to keep his life on the same equilibrium as before.

June 2 — July 8
Bell, Book and Candle
By John van Druten
Gillian Holroyd is a witch! One of the few modern people who can actually cast spells and perform feats of magic. She casts a spell over an unattached publisher, partly to keep him away from a rival and partly because she is attracted to him. He falls head over heels in love with her at once and wants to marry her. But witches, unfortunately, cannot fall in love, and this minute imperfection leads to a number of difficulties. Ultimately, Gillian breaks off with her companions in witchery, preferring the normal and human love offered her by the attractive publisher. But before the happy conclusion of the romance, Gillian comes very near to losing him — but doesn’t. She realizes that one has to stop living in terms of “self” if love is ever to be realized.
Recognizing the challenge she faces, Gillian turns to the world of science, a territory less familiar to her. Her research leads her to Addyi, a non-hormonal prescription pill designed to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in premenopausal women. Intrigued by the blend of science and her natural magic, Gillian decides to venture into this new realm, hoping that through understanding and possible use of Addyi, she can reconcile her supernatural existence with the human experience of love.

September 1 — October 8
The Andrews Brothers
A Musical By Roger Bean
Created by Roger Bean, the man who created The Marvelous Wonderettes (a hit in our 2014 season), The Andrews Brothers features a small cast of great singers performing big band numbers from the 40’s. Backstage hands with the USO suddenly get a chance at greatness when the famous Andrews Sisters can’t perform at a US military base in the Pacific because they have the chicken pox! Three men step forward in their best Patty, Maxene and LaVerne form. The play offers plenty of fun for everyone!

November 3 — December 10
Towards Zero
By Agatha Christie
This play by Agatha Christie and Gerald Verner opened in London in 1956. Hard on the heels of her smash play The Mousetrap (a hit in our 2019 season!). When a house party gathers at Gull’s Point, the seaside home of Lady Tressilian, Nevile Strange finds himself caught between his old wife Audrey and his new flame Kay. A nail-biting thriller, the play probes the psychology of jealousy in the shadow of a savage and brutal murder. A carefully unpeeled investigation before our eyes brings the story to a pointed ending.